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Article: Everything You Need to Know Before Lightening Your Hair

Everything You Need to Know Before Lightening Your Hair

Everything You Need to Know Before Lightening Your Hair

Are you thinking about lightening your hair for the first time or looking to change up your already natural colour? Going lighter can be a fun and exciting change, but it's important to understand the process and take proper care of your hair to keep it looking fabulous. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know before you lighten your hair. From understanding the impact on your natural hair colour to choosing the right products and maintaining your new locks, we've got you covered.

1. Consider Your Natural Hair Color

Before diving into the world of lighter hair, it's essential to consider your natural hair colour. If your hair is naturally very dark, your hair colourist may suggest a transition plan to ensure the overall health of your hair. Going from dark strands to bright blonde in one session may not be the best decision for your hair's health. Your colourist will take into account your hair's ability to lift or lighten and recommend a suitable approach.

2. Prepare Your Hair for the Process

Bleaching can be a harsh process that may lead to weaker strands. To minimise damage, it's crucial to prepare your hair in advance. Avoid processing your hair, such as dyeing or intense treatments such as keratins, for at least three months before bleaching. This allows your hair to regain its natural strength. Additionally, reduce the use of heating tools like curling irons and straighteners in the weeks leading up to your bleaching session.

3. Seek Professional Help

While DIY projects can be fun, lightening your hair is best left to the professionals. Attempting to bleach your hair at home can result in unwanted outcomes such as brassy tones or mismatched highlights. Trust an experienced stylist to take your hair to new, blonder heights without the risk of DIY mishaps. They will have the expertise and knowledge to achieve the desired results while minimising damage to your hair.

4. Understand Different Shades of Blonde

The term "blonde" is not universal, and it's important to have a clear understanding of the shade you desire. Bringing reference photos to your stylist can help ensure you both have the same vision in mind. What may be platinum blonde to you could mean golden blonde tones for your stylist. Communicate your preferences and use visuals to show them exactly what you do and do not want for your hair colour.

5. Take Your Skin Tone into Account

When choosing your new hair colour, your skin tone should play a role in your decision-making process. People with paler or cooler skin tones often look stunning with ashy or pearlescent shades, while those with warmer skin tones rock more golden hues. Consider how different shades of colour will complement your complexion and enhance your overall look.

6. Adjust Your Makeup Choices

Going lighter may require some adjustments to your makeup routine. Certain colours that worked with your previous hair colour may not complement your new Hazel locks. Take the opportunity to consult with a makeup professional to discover which colours will work best for your new hair colour. They can guide you in choosing the right shades for your eyebrows, eyeliner, and other makeup products to enhance your new look.

7. Be Prepared for Potential Hair Texture Changes

lightening your hair can alter its natural texture over time. Those with curly hair may notice their ends becoming straighter as the strands become drier. On the other hand, individuals with naturally straight hair may experience more volume as the hair's cuticle is roughened up. Embrace these changes and experiment with new hairstyles that suit your transformed hair texture.

8. Invest in the Right Hair Care Products

Maintaining your new colour requires a dedicated hair care routine. Traditional shampoos may not be enough to keep your colour hair looking vibrant and free from brassy tones. Invest in a quality purple shampoo, like Keune's Silver Savior Shampoo, to prevent any unwanted orange or yellow tones and keep your blonde hair fresh and shiny. Additionally, consider using hydrating hair masks to replenish moisture and restore balance to your strands.

9. Understand the Commitment and Investment

Going lighter is not just a one-time change; it's a long-term commitment that requires ongoing maintenance. Both financially and in terms of time, being a Bronde requires dedication. Regular visits to the salon for touch-ups and maintenance, as well as investing in specialised haircare products, are essential to keep your Bronde hair looking its best. Think about whether you're ready for this commitment before taking the plunge.

10. Communicate Honestly with Your Stylist

Honesty is key when it comes to achieving the best results with your new hair colour. Inform your stylist if you have previously used at-home box colour before your salon appointment. This information helps them adjust the lighting formula to ensure optimal results. By being transparent about your hair history, you enable your stylist to make informed decisions and deliver the desired outcome.

Remember, going lighter or blonde can be a transformative and exciting experience. By considering these key points, preparing your hair, seeking professional help, and investing in the right hair care products, you can achieve the blonde look you've always dreamed of. Embrace the journey, and enjoy your gorgeous new hair!

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